I think you guys got surprised to find a MediaFire webpage saying that the file you requested is not available.
I paid a bronze account to host / manage files over 200MB with unlimited durability, storage...etc
But it's limited to 100 GB of direct link. I though that when this limit is reached, it'd redirect all downloads to their classic download webpage (no code, no wait), but it seems that they are too stupid and block all downloads.
I opened a support ticket to see if they can remove the direct link (then redirect to downloads webpage) and then "bypass" the downloads limit. I don't hope too much, since everything is automated with account properties and group policy, they'll not bother to do individual settings.
Well, tomorrow or the day after, all will return to normal (bandwith reloaded :p)
Next month, i'll see if i need to upgrade my account (70$/year => 140.. =>)
I'm terribly sorry about the inconvenients caused.