The story revolves mainly around Naruto Uzumaki`s and Sakura Haruno`s new adventures and their search for Sasuke Uchiha after he left Konoha-gakure (Leaf Village) to gain Orochimaru`s power. The plot also shows a more active Akatsuki in their quest for obtaining all the tailed beasts.
After his failed attempt to retrieve Sasuke, Naruto learns that circumstances have granted him slightly less than three years to prepare for a confrontation with Orochimaru, who has to wait that much time before he can transfer into Sasuke`s body. Naruto also must prepare for his eventual confrontation with Akatsuki, who are after the demon sealed within him. To prepare, Naruto leaves the village and undergoes intensive training under Jiraiya. At the same time, Sakura becomes Tsunade`s apprentice, and Sasuke trains under Orochimaru. Thus, all three members of the original Team 7 are now training under one of the Legendary Sannin.
Naruto Shippuuden 001-002
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Naruto Shippuuden 057-085
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Naruto Shippuuden 064-065
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Naruto Shippuuden 068-069
All Files had been deleted and are now in progress of being reuploaded. These files should all work now. Post will be updated as we complete more uploads.